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San Ignacio

Blick ueber die Daecher San Ignacios.

This is a view of the town from the hospital I think.

Die nicht sehr spaktakulaere Hauptstrasse durch die Stadt.

The main street, nothing terribly exciting.

Die alte Bruecke.

The old bridge.

Die neue Bruecke verbindet San Ignacio mit Santa Elena.

Despite being wooden and flood-prone this is the modern bridge that connects San Ignacio with Santa Elena.

Dis, ist ein von das schulbuser von Amerika. Und Ich keine spchren doich unt bin keine 6 jah alt. Ich haber ein Problem: meine beine zind tsu lang!

More height problems... This is one of the busses shown on the Placencia page but from the inside. As mentioned, they are old school busses and really were designed for 6 year olds. If only we had another photo with the four people that came and sat on this seat next to me...

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