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Santa Clara

Santa Clara ist die Che Guevara Stadt.Das ist das riesige Che Guevaras Denkmal, unter dem sich auch ein Mausuleum befindet, indem er beerdigt ist.

Santa Clara is Che Guevara town. Santa Clara is where Da Man killed a whole lot of money-grabbin capitalist's soldiers during the revolution. This is his memorial. He's actually buried here too. There is a mausoleum under the statue you can see.

Post von Fidel an Che!

There's no advertising in Cuba (naturally), but there's plenty of government propaganda to fill void in the landscape. This one says: "We want you to be like Che" (Fidel Castro).

Seine Statue.

This is a close up of the statue in the first picture.

Ein anderes oeffentliches Verkehrsmittel in Cuba. Die Pferde waren klapper duerr und stanken unglaublich nach Faekalien. Sie werden hier so lange benutzt, bis sie tot umkippen. Ich habe einige lahmende Pferde sich die Berge hochquaelen gesehen. Nachts waren die Kutschen mit Oellampen beleuchtet, die unter der Achse hingen. Sowiso war hier die Strassenbeleuchtung sehr, sehr spaerlich. In Havana gab es ja noch einige Strassenlaternen, obwohl trotzdem alles noch dunkel und etwas unheimlich war, aber hier war alles fast stockdunkel Abends.

In the foreground is a horse-draw carriage. Outside Havana this is still a very common means of public transport in Cuba. Behind, on the other side of the train tracks, are some of the carriages of the military train that Da Man derailed during the revolution. Him and his buddies then captured or killed everyone on board (they were on their way South to reinforce the front again Castro and his buddies). They also seized all the weapons onboard (which proved pretty handy). The carriages have now been turned into a bit of an outdoor museum.

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