Blick im Landeanflug zurueck von Cuba auf die Halbinsel von Cancun. This is the view from the plane as we flew back to Cancun from Cuba. Cancun is one of Mexico's resort cities and it's a city in 2 parts. This is the tourist part; completely covered in expensive hotels and American college students although Caribbean beaches abound on all sides. The Mexican half was built inland a bit and only exists to service the part you can see here. |
Am Strand von Cancun. This is us on one of the beaches. |
Dies ist ein Weihnachtsbaum auf Mexicanisch! Die kleinen netten Menschen hier sind total suechtig nach original Coca Cola.Ich hab niemals zuvor so viele Ami- Trucks voll mit Cola ueber die Strassen rollen sehen wie hier. This was the Christmas tree in the one and only Wal-Mart I've ever been into. I couldn't have imagined a better Christmas tree for such a company. |